
Paintings 2019-12-02T17:18:19+01:00

French painting of 1775, representing the conquest of Europe by France. The Taurus depicts Europe, while the tambourine, the flute and the red ribbon are symbols of France.
The work is set in the French gardens of the Fontanbleau Castle.

Still life by Giuseppe Recco, signed by the artist.

A pair of still lifes, attributed by the art critic Ferdinando Arisi to the seventeenth-century painter “Benedetto Fioravanti”, active in Rome as a painter of the Barberini Princes family in the mid 1600s. The attribution is confirmed by the comparison with the signed still life made known by Luigi Salerno in “The Italian still life” (Rome Boggi 1984 pag. 182 – ill 44/1 see attached photocopy attribution Ferdinando Arisi). 104 x 75 cm + 18 cm frame

Oil painting on canvas by Pietro Paolini, representing a musician. Lucca, first half 1600

Oil painting on canvas, still life set in the Fontainbleau garden. Giovanni Paolo Castelli, called Lo Spadino.

Oil painting on canvas, ” Masked Ball”, attributed to Marco Marcola known as Marcuola, Venetian painter 1700. 46 x 36 cm + 10 cm frame.

Oil painting on canvas representing noble, empire period, from Lucca. 64 x 49 cm + 6 cm frame.